Chemical Information
Do you need simple (easy-to-understand) technical information about a chemical product such as a household or garden chemical substance?
Chemical Information
ChemISARCo provides concise, easy-to-understand chemical information in Chemical Information Packages (CIP).
ChemISARCo offers 2 types of CIP:
together with the option of a follow-up telephone call to discuss/explain the information provided.
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ChemISARCo offers 2 types of CIP:
together with the option of a follow-up telephone call to discuss/explain the information provided.
Chemical audits & risk assessments
Do you require expert assistance to audit chemical stores and provide risk assessments for all chemicals in storage?
Chemical audits & risk assessments
Chemicals can be hazardous substances or dangerous goods or both.
ChemISARCo can audit your chemical inventory and provide easy-to-understand risk assessments for all chemicals on site, and suggest ways to reduce or replace chemicals in use with safer alternatives.
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ChemISARCo can audit your chemical inventory and provide easy-to-understand risk assessments for all chemicals on site, and suggest ways to reduce or replace chemicals in use with safer alternatives.
Chemical Consultancy & safety training
Do you require informed and expert technical guidance relating to chemical concerns or training of staff in all matters relating to chemical safety?
Chemical Consultancy & safety training
ChemISARCo can work with you or your business to consult on chemical-related projects (purchase, storage, safety management systems, safe disposal) and provide hazardous substance and dangerous goods training remotely or on site.
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Chemical registration
Do you require expert and timely chemical registration services for new or repurposed chemical products, or other registration related services?
Chemical registration
The registration of agricultural chemicals and veterinary medicines can be a technically complex and, at times, bureaucratic process.
ChemISARCo can provide expert technical services in a timely and cost-effective manner.
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ChemISARCo can provide expert technical services in a timely and cost-effective manner.