about us
ChemISARCo is an information, safety and consultancy company specializing in customized, accurate, reliable chemical information.
The information is produced in a VALUE-FOR-MONEY, EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND formats, addressing specific customer/client requests.
ChemISARCo specializes in simplifying at times, complex technical information whilst not ignoring critical data.
ChemISARCo offers time-sensitive responses at competitive rates whilst being attentive to specific customer needs.
A full MONEY-BACK guarantee is offered if you are not satisfied with the products ChemISARCo offers.
At ChemISARCo staff are professionally trained as chemists who have access to a wide range of reputable chemical information sources, and are highly competent in the following skills:
- information retrieval techniques
- compilation of chemical information packages
- chemical safety training in hazardous substances & dangerous goods
- conducting chemical audits & risk assessments
- specialist consultancy & advice on a range of chemical issues
- delivering high quality outcomes for clients.