Chemical Information

Chemical Information Package (CIP):

ChemISARCo offers 2 types of CIP:    CIP1 & CIP2


A single page summary of the chemical substance of interest. The summary page includes these headings:


A 2 page summary of the chemical substance of interest with a particular focus on  health effects of the substance.
CIP2 comprises the information provided in CIP1 (Page 1) together with a second page containing the following information:
2 sample CIPs, one for sodium chloride (table salt)  – CIP 1,and one for sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) – CIP 2 are shown below for information purposes:


If chemical information is needed urgently, our staff are receptive to prioritising customer orders for an agreed on-time delivery. (Additional fee may apply)

An example of a CIP is shown below:

FOLLOW-UP TELEPHONE CALL: If, following receipt of your CIP, you require a specialist to explain the material provided in the package, a follow-up telephone call can be arranged at a mutually convenient time to discuss the content of the CIP.


Do I Need a Disclaimer?

Yes, you need a disclaimer to protect your website against legal liability. Disclaimers inform users that your site will not be held responsible for any damages suffered from using your site.

Perhaps the disclaimer should be inserted as a Footer on each of my CIP pages and any other information sent out from the site.

A “No Responsibility” disclaimer

The selected disclaimer reads as follows:


Whilst CHEMISARCO endeavours to keep all information on its website up to date and correct, CHEMISARCO makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website, or the information, products, services or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such material is therefore strictly at your own risk.