Chemical Information Package (CIP):
ChemISARCo offers 2 types of CIP: CIP1 & CIP2
A single page summary of the chemical substance of interest. The summary page includes these headings:
- (i) Chemical name
- (ii) Chemical formula
- (iii) Other common/possible names for substance
- (iv) Trade Name(s) of products containing this substance
- (v) Photograph of product (if available)
- (vi) Use(s)
- (vii) Appearance/Colour/Odour
- (viii) First Aid
- (ix) Labelling
- (x) Recommended Storage
- (xi) Toxicity
- (xii) Recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) if handling substance
- (xiii) Breakdown products (decomposition)
A 2 page summary of the chemical substance of interest with a particular focus on health effects of the substance.
CIP2 comprises the information provided in CIP1 (Page 1) together with a second page containing the following information:
CIP2 comprises the information provided in CIP1 (Page 1) together with a second page containing the following information:
- (i) Poisons information (if substance is s Scheduled poison)
- (ii) Metabolism of substance in the body (2-3 brief, simple sentences and a relevant reference article).
- (iii) Excretion of chemical substance or metabolites (2-3 brief, simple sentences and a relevant reference article).
- (iv) Long term effects of exposure to chemical substance (2-3 brief, simple sentences and a relevant reference article)
- (v) Recommended treatment for addiction (if applicable). (2-3 brief, simple sentences and a relevant reference article).
2 sample CIPs, one for sodium chloride (table salt) – CIP 1,and one for sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) – CIP 2 are shown below for information purposes:
If chemical information is needed urgently, our staff are receptive to prioritising customer orders for an agreed on-time delivery. (Additional fee may apply)
An example of a CIP is shown below:
FOLLOW-UP TELEPHONE CALL: If, following receipt of your CIP, you require a specialist to explain the material provided in the package, a follow-up telephone call can be arranged at a mutually convenient time to discuss the content of the CIP.